Community PhD Research

Meeting at the Crossroads: The intersection of local communities with Faslane and Coulport nuclear submarine bases.

Would you like to take part in a PhD research project?

Over the next 24 months, Kenneth Grant Glenaan, a PhD student at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, will be studying the relationship between the local communities and the nuclear submarine bases at Faslane and Coulport as part of an ethnographic film PhD study.

He is particularly interested in families who have several generations of contact with the bases, both civilian and military. Families and individuals who have migrated to the area for work are most welcome too!

If you have a family history or are directly or indirectly involved, Kenneth would love to hear from you. Social history, employment, culture, family, and memory are of particular interest.

The study is officially registered, funded and monitored through Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh. Confidentiality is guaranteed, and all personal information will be treated in accordance with the terms of the UK Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Kenneth cannot pay you for taking part in the study, but any expenses incurred will be covered – along with lots of tea and coffee!

If you are interested, please contact Kenneth and he’ll get back to you asap:

Email: Or on 07968001162

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