Town Improvement

As part of Helensburgh Community Council, one of our key missions is to ensure our town remains clean, environment-friendly, and appealing to both residents and visitors. That’s why we’ve formed the Town Improvement Group, which focuses on enhancing our town’s infrastructure and addressing issues that matter to our community.

Our group consists of 4-5 Community Councillors and external members as needed, and we’re all about teamwork. We collaborate with Argyll & Bute Council and other relevant organisations to make a real difference in Helensburgh.

We don’t just wait for complaints to roll in—we’re proactive! We take a systematic and evidence-based approach, making the most of our resources to tackle both short-term and long-term challenges.

We believe in involving our residents in our work, whether it’s through conducting surveys or inviting their input on pressing issues. And we’re not shy about sharing our successes! We use local media to spread the word about our achievements and keep everyone updated on our progress.

At our monthly meetings with the full Community Council, we report on our latest activities and maintain a close relationship with council officers. Together, we’re committed to making Helensburgh the best it can be for everyone who calls it home.