Convener’s Helensburgh Advertiser column October 2017

Speed Limits

A number of mothers and indeed members of the public have expressed concern at the increase in the speed of vehicles in the town. Since most drivers will have family members and children of their own, it is time to think of the consequences of excess speed and keep to the speed limits.


A vexed subject at the best of times anywhere in the UK. In Helensburgh, we would make a plea for considerate parking to be the order of the day. In other words, be neighbourly, and think of others when you park in public parking areas. The parking on pavements should also be discouraged by all vehicle drivers. The deterioration to pavements is only a matter of time.

Funding of Projects

The Community Council has been fortunate to gain funding for two projects in the town. The first award is to bring a number of Health & Wellbeing initiatives to bear on the community. The second award concerns the purchase of material towards the improvement to the shrub beds in Colquhoun Square. We hope to start this in the near future and will be calling upon our band of volunteers to assist us. 

Community Empowerment

We have held the second of our meetings with Argyll & Bute officials concerning the community participation on roads infrastructure in the town. These are early days but hopeful in their outcome. The participation request was agreed by Argyll & Bute Council and it now requires a process of consultation and engagement to make the town’s roads, pavements, street furniture, parking and signage the best they possibly can be in the face of funding shortfalls. We shall be calling on the community for assistance to ensure that we gather all the information necessary to make our side of the arrangement work effectively.

Traffic Warden

A traffic warden in the town is a necessary facet in our modern society and does not deserve the daily occurrence of abuse directed towards him in the execution of his duty. There might be repercussions for such bad behaviour.

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