Stalled spaces in Helensburgh

At the October meeting of the Community Council the subject of stalled spaces within the town boundary was raised. This is the identification of any land or unoccupied/boarded-up/derelict buildings which we can refer to the authorities in Argyll & Bute for owner identification and the start of improvement/remedial action. The aim is to improve the ambience of the town. However, we need the community’s help to cover the whole town for these stalled spaces and present a composite picture.

Send us any details by email via the feedback page on this website; either an address or location is sufficient, and we will process the action with Argyll & Bute Council. Your support will be greatly appreciated.

Participation in the Roads Infrastructure of Helensburgh

The Community Council recently had approval from Argyll & Bute Council to participate as partners in maintaining the serviceability of our roads infrastructure in the town. The infrastructure covers the maintenance and serviceability standards of roads and pavements, road signage, traffic signs and street lighting.

We need the assistance of the community to compile a list of problems in these areas of interest and therefore request your assistance to send us details via this website so  that we can compile a list for corrective action. Please give as precise details as possible and thank you for your support.